Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I hail from Toronto, ON and I am male. I am excited to be a member of this illustrious food blogging team!

Like my blogmates Joanne and Vivian, I, too, have a science background. I am a physician trained in the art of putting people to sleep, ie. anaesthesia (or anesthesia, as the Americans would have it). I also have a business degree, which makes me weird.

My contributions to Nature Culinary will have a humerus (*giggle*) bend to them. I hope you enjoy my contributions, as well as those by my colleagues!


1 comment:

  1. wow love this post! just like every
    other! LOVE your bloggg so much!
    Such an inspirartion! Definitely
    bookmarking you, hope you can stop
    by mine sometime :)
